L’appuntamento con la lezione d’inglese di oggi prende spunto da un video curioso che mi è stato girato da un amico qualche settimana fa, in cui un ragazzo dal forte accento russo ci mostra il trucco che si nasconde dietro ad un’affascinante illusione ottica. In breve, spostando i pezzi di una barretta di cioccolato in un certo modo, sembrerebbe che si riesca ad estrarne un quadretto senza cambiare le dimensioni complessive della barretta stessa (da cui il titolo del post). Certo, non mi dispiacerebbe se una cosa analoga si potesse fare con qualche lingotto d’oro 😀 Ti riporto la trascrizione del monologo qui di seguito, così puoi provare a seguire (e capire) quello che dice senza troppa difficoltà.
Hello everyone! How are you all doing? Just recently I made a video about the infinite chocolate bar trick, and today I want to show you how this trick actually works. Alright, we have a chocolate bar, and it’s actually the same one I was using in my last video, so it’s already cut and everything. Before we start rearranging these pieces, let’s make (take!) some measurements. We will use centimeters. Okay, let’s measure this side. It’s seven point, let’s see, seven point seven centimeters. So, we’re gonna write it down here, on the piece of paper. Now let’s measure this side, and this is the key side for our measurement. So it’s 17, exactly 17 centimeters. Let’s write it down here. And it looks like this here. Okay, I’m gonna rearrange it now: so this goes here, and this one goes here, like that. Now let’s measure. I’m gonna still measure this one, obviously we have no changes here. So as I see it’s seven point seven centimeters, how it was before. And now let’s measure this side. Like I said it’s a key side here. Alright it’s sixteen point four centimeters. Let’s write it down. So now it looks like this: seven point seven centimeters, nothing changed here. But this side it’s sixteen point four centimeters. So as you guys can see the difference is in point six centimeters. And that’s what the key is here. So what happens here is when you cut the chocolate this way and then when you rearrange these pieces over here, it creates this illusion that you have one chocolate piece extra. Because the cut is diagonal like this, it creates this illusion that this piece and that piece are equal, but they’re not really. If you look closely this piece is a little bit
bigger than this one and that’s how this trick works. Alright guys, that’s pretty much it. Now you know how this trick works, and unfortunately this extra piece of chocolate is not really extra. I know, I probably ruined someone’s hope about this extra piece. Anyways, I hope you guys liked this video and I’ll see you next time.