Ho già espresso in varie occasioni come la penso sul fatto di celebrare la festa della donna, ed è per questo che un paio di giorni fa non ho scritto nulla al riguardo. A parte il fatto che questa ricorrenza non è per nulla sentita qui in America (tantomeno con il gesto di regalare mimose), quindi ha perso abbastanza di significato per me in questi ultimi anni. Per un giorno i maschietti hanno fatto i galanti con le mogli, con le colleghe, con le amiche. Poi, calato il sipario, si è tornato al solito ritmo di vita anestetizzata quotidiana. Nel frattempo, in questo nuovo mondo dove tutti dobbiamo essere trattati allo stesso modo, dove l’emancipazione femminile è diventata un campo di battaglia, non sembra esservi più spazio per i sentimenti degli uomini. In particolar modo nel Paese a stelle e strisce, dove la mascolinità è innata nel DNA degli americani dai tempi dei pistoleri del Far West. Ed allora oggi vorrei condividere questo video in inglese, di una donna che denuncia questo doppio standard a cui tanti uomini sono sottoposti. Con le drammatiche conseguenze psicologiche a cui assistiamo tutti i giorni, specialmente nei giovani.
They say as a man you should always get a high paying job so that you can potentially take care of a family. But you should also make sure you have enough spare time to spend with your spouse so that they don’t get lonely. If you’re a father, you need to be there for and support your children. But don’t try to guide them or structure them or especially discipline them in any way or you’re abusive. You’re expected to be masculine in order to be attractive. But you should also get in touch with your sensitive side. But not enough to cry because that makes you look weak. Women are allowed to hit you.
But you should never hit them back. If you even want the chance of having a woman, be prepared to take her out to a fancy dinner and a fancy car and get her flowers and drinks and all of that. But don’t expect or ask for anything in return. Because then you’re pushy. Remember, you have to spoil the girl in every possible way. But in the end, it’s her decision as to whether or not all of your time and energy was worth her giving you anything in return. And if she leaves you after a six-year long relationship, remember, she’s just doing what’s best for her. But if you leave her after six years, you’re a scumbag who obviously never cared. Make sure you’re intelligent, or women are gonna look down on you. But women are always right, so they’re gonna look down on you anyway.
Plus, if you’re really smart, they’re gonna see you as arrogant. And be confident, because confidence is sexy. But don’t be cocky. Sleep with too many women and you’re just a man whore who’s afraid of commitment. But don’t sleep with enough women and you’re less desirable because of your inexperience. Be independent, but do what you’re told. Have high standards but not high expectations. Accept women at their best and their worst, but change every negative aspect of yourself in order to prove your love. You’re a man. You should have all the answers. But if you have all the answers, you’re a narcissist.